88.73%_match: Rinko Kawauchi "Untitled, from the portfolio 4%", 2013
86.45%_match: Tomoko Hasuwa "M’hamid 9", 2017
91.29%_match: Sigurður Guðjónsson "Scanner", 2017
89.73%_match: Anish Kapoor "Shadow Black", 2008
87.28%_match: Molly Soda "Heart Is On The Floor (Why Don't You Step On It)", 2017
89.20%_match: Clara Ianni "Placa (Retângulo Preto)", 2010
89.20%_match: Anna Von Mertens "Mental States (July)", 2014
88.30%_match: Jiang Pengyi "Intimacy No.5", 2014
88.62%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Vertical Lines #3", 2011
88.32%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Couleur Additive Sao Paulo 1", 2007
92.50%_match: Kitikong Tilokwattanotai "Blue Series 03", 2017
91.59%_match: Barnett Newman "Midnight Blue", Date unknown
91.96%_match: Penelope Umbrico "Weston with BluePlastic PopArt and Lightleak (IMG_0024), from Range: of Masters of Photography", 2014
89.03%_match: Alison Mosshart "Black Top", Date unknown
89.12%_match: I.P.S. "Pilgrim flask", 1705
88.67%_match: Thomas Pihl "Untitled #1", 2016
85.58%_match: Marie Lannoo "Chroma #36", Date unknown
86.47%_match: James Turrell "Untitled", Date unknown
91.22%_match: Peter Gronquist "Fuzzy Logic", 2016
89.19%_match: Emmanuel Van der Auwera "Memento 5", 2016
89.54%_match: Brice Marden "Grove Group I", 2
89.78%_match: Penny Olson "0167.8f (Iris)", 2011
91.92%_match: Lisa Levy "The Thoughts in My Head #26: It Sucks", Date unknown
86.52%_match: Alicia McCarthy "Untitled (1)", 2016
94.54%_match: Regina Aprijaskis "Negro, blanco y negro", 1998
93.90%_match: Flavio Samelo "Compo gdppdedg", 2015
93.24%_match: Clay Mahn "Untitled (D)", 2015
85.11%_match: Stephen Antonakos ""Line"", 1971
92.41%_match: Liu Yujia "The Progress of Ending 终结的进程 ", 2013
85.49%_match: Rinko Kawauchi "Untitled, from the portfolio 4%", 2013
92.20%_match: Lindsey Landfried "Across", 2016
85.56%_match: Jim Campbell "Home Movies (Contradiction)", 2014
91.41%_match: Thomas Gänszler "Reflektor (Albers) III", 2015
90.59%_match: Flavio Samelo "Compo gdppdedg", 2015
92.07%_match: Mychael Barratt "Yves Klein's Dog", Date unknown
88.81%_match: Suzette Bross "Stephanie", 2015
86.51%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016
95.60%_match: Richard Serra "Mandela", 2012
91.99%_match: Bruce Nauman "Seven Figures", 1985
92.29%_match: Ali Chaaban "Strangers Everywhere", 2017
89.29%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Citron", 2016
91.12%_match: Regina Aprijaskis "Negro, blanco y negro", 1998
89.80%_match: Lee Jinyong "Hardbacks III (a, b, c - Triptych)", 2015
95.92%_match: Gabriele Evertz "Eight Grays + The Spectrum (Already It Is Dawn)", 2012
89.56%_match: Annie Hsiao– Wen Wang "Untitled-(2015-13)", 2015
90.15%_match: Laura Sallade "Urban Stacks no. 02", 2016
90.59%_match: Jean Boris Lacroix "Pair of wall lights", 1958
83.88%_match: Shibata Zeshin "明治時代 柴田是真 果蔬蒔絵重箱|Tiered Food Box with Summer and Autumn Fruits", 1900
91.92%_match: Toshiro Yamaguchi "Deep Sea", 2017