87.01%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Undulatus Asperatus", 2015
88.74%_match: Brittany Nelson "Conductor #1", 2017
92.53%_match: Wang Fengge in 2014-2015 "Continuing Memory ", Date unknown
87.68%_match: Guan Wei "Under The Southern Cross", 1998
89.82%_match: Yuko Shiraishi "Blue Deference", 1998
87.88%_match: Cathy Choi "M1604", 2016
88.86%_match: Jean Dubuffet "Symbiosis (Symbioses) from the portfolio Spectacles from Phenomena (Les Phénomènes)", 9
93.23%_match: Chip Hooper "Moonlight, Mendocino", 2004
90.28%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing light-red breeze", 2016
89.24%_match: Gene Davis "Adam's Rib", 1980
85.62%_match: Lee Yanor "Legato 21", 2015
87.92%_match: James Welling "IG10", 2005
90.20%_match: Catherine Biocca "100 better ways to die / 4", 2015
89.77%_match: Anish Kapoor "Horizon Shadow, No. 07", 2010
88.89%_match: Linda Touby "Pigeons 210", Date unknown
87.85%_match: Leon Berkowitz "UNITIES #16", 1972
89.03%_match: Lin Jingjing "This is the Beginning of My Desperation No. 3 ", 2017
88.41%_match: Marcia Hafif "English Red (Red Paintings)", 1997
93.02%_match: Seth Cameron "No 11", 2017
88.78%_match: JJ Miyaoka-Pakola "OR #4", Date unknown
89.83%_match: José Bechara "Mar - Mar", 2013
89.66%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Fibranomic", 2017
90.55%_match: Michael Craig-Martin "Spotlight: NT at 50", 2013
90.73%_match: Peter Sutherland "Fan Pour (Eclipse of the Heart)", 2011
88.98%_match: Marc Ross "Train of No Image No. 4", Date unknown
89.83%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash-November 22,1963 (FS.II.36)", 1968
92.14%_match: Viktor Farro "Rope", 2017
88.71%_match: Michael Dailey "Seascape", 1982
90.73%_match: Christopher Le Brun "Untitled", 2016
88.62%_match: Beatrice Minda "Gorgan", 2010
95.23%_match: Richard Serra "Rift I", 2012
90.29%_match: Andrew Brischler in 2016-2017 "Lonely Planet (Blue Sky / Raspberry)", Date unknown
91.15%_match: Ruth Pastine "Witness 4-S3232, (Blue Orange Deep), Witness Series", 2016
89.93%_match: Utagawa Kunisada "Untitled", 1854
88.17%_match: Mario Dellavedova "Vogliamo Tutto (2ª edition)", 2013
89.91%_match: Félix Hilaire Buhot "Le Petit Chasseur (Little Hunter)", 1892
91.83%_match: Frank Hallam Day "Geylang Payphone, Singapore", 2017
88.90%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash-November 22,1963 (FS.II.36)", 1968
91.02%_match: Wycliffe Mundopa "Paradise of Vice II", 2015
88.01%_match: Mami Kosemura "Objects - New York", 2016
87.86%_match: Daniel Brice "OX #56", 2017
85.15%_match: Kathy Buist "Beyond the Beach", 2015
94.06%_match: leo peschta "17:40 - 18:40", Date unknown
93.16%_match: Juliette-Andrea Elie "La perle non percée", 2016
90.45%_match: Wu Shanzhuan & Inga Svala Thórsdóttir "Thing's Right(s) Printed 2013", 2013
92.63%_match: Richard Ehrlich "Homage to Rothko 9", 2004
88.71%_match: Anastasia Pelias "Delphi (translucent turquoise orange)", 2013
87.05%_match: Tadasu Takamine "Water Level and Organ Sound", 2004
94.28%_match: David Drebin "You're so full if shit", 2017
88.13%_match: Daniele Buetti "FLAG 05", 2014
93.49%_match: Anne C. Smith "Potomac Print 4-13", 2016
91.52%_match: Daniel Feingold "Untitled", 2016
87.40%_match: Bradley Harms "Simple X (lt. green perm)", 2014
88.12%_match: James Welling "IG10", 2005
92.65%_match: Emmanuel Van der Auwera "Memento 5", 2016
93.86%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing Light - Purple in Violet", 2017
89.29%_match: Mala Breuer "7.77", 1977
89.09%_match: Penny Olson "0232.6a (Rose)", 2011
86.02%_match: Kim Schoen "Hawaii(23)", 2017
89.26%_match: Marco Palmieri "1.01 cerchio_circle", 2015