93.24%_match: Manuel Fernández "On Kawara Time Machine", 2011
99.50%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash - November 22, 1963 (See F. & S. II.35)", 1968
88.05%_match: Invader "Rubik Scream II", 2007
91.22%_match: Luciana Lamothe "Untitled", 2013
96.54%_match: Birgir Andrésson "Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey)", 2006
85.61%_match: Martí Cormand "Postcards to C: Hélène Almeida’s "Estudo para Dois Espaços (1/4), 1977"", 2016
88.68%_match: Brian Eno "Sargasso", 2017
84.91%_match: August Sander "Young Farmers", 6
83.37%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013
90.22%_match: Jan Schmidt "Kornfeld mit Blick auf Taunus", 2009
91.88%_match: Josef Bauer "Farbenbild", 1985
89.74%_match: MAK "Blue Marilyn Triptych", 2017
87.13%_match: Olivier Mosset "Untitled", 1985
89.99%_match: Wojciech Fangor "Square 11", 1962
87.80%_match: Antonio Dias "The Illustration of Art", 1072
88.94%_match: Regina Aprijaskis "Negro, rojo y blanco", 1996
83.80%_match: Ludwig Meidner "O Moon Above So Clear!", 2
88.31%_match: Andrea Mary Marshall "The Storm Issue (V Magazine - Rihanna)", 2016
83.41%_match: Stefana McClure "La Luxure: English subtitles to a film by Jacques Demy", 2002
88.95%_match: Luis Tomasello "Objet Plastique No. 897", 2008
91.48%_match: José Pedro Croft "Sem Título", 2014
87.81%_match: Ruth Pastine "Witness 3-S6060, (Blue Orange Deep), Witness Series", 2016
88.82%_match: Lothar Charoux "Vibration", 1970
97.27%_match: Carol Miller Frost "Dusk", 2013
97.35%_match: Paul Fägerskiöld "Untitled (White Flag)", 2016
83.76%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013
94.82%_match: Felix Burger "from the series Weißer Zwerg", 2016
83.66%_match: Lars Strandh "Untitled 1301 (cobalt)", 2013
92.01%_match: Luke Heng "Composition No. 15", Date unknown
90.81%_match: Maja Marx "Glare", 2016
87.46%_match: Various Artists "En el Cielo", 2001
83.41%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013
93.89%_match: Paul Cary Goldberg "Still Life with Two Pears", Date unknown