87.35%_match: Benoit Platéus "Page 66", 2010
87.24%_match: Guido Molinari "Quantifacateur 995", 1995
90.49%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Emptiness", 2007
90.61%_match: Todd Hido "Untitled 11386-2266", 2014
90.46%_match: Ansel Adams "Church and Road, Bodega, California", 1953
91.80%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
88.11%_match: Mala Breuer "Untitled Red (1979)", 1979
85.53%_match: Vincent van Gogh "Bridge in the Rain (After Hiroshige)", 1887
85.53%_match: Vincent van Gogh "Bridge in the Rain (After Hiroshige)", 1887
90.42%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Fibranomic", 2017
89.40%_match: Nejat Sati "Structure 92", 2014
85.06%_match: Umberto Mariani "Senza titolo", 2017
96.46%_match: Sherry Wiggins "Out of India #8", 2015
91.63%_match: April Friges "Untitled Color 0315", 2015
87.87%_match: Byron Kim "Layl almadina (Halo 1)", 2015
95.17%_match: Viktor Farro "Rope", 2017
93.87%_match: Zeynep Kayan "Black&White", 2010
86.97%_match: Anatoly Gankevich "Noontime ", 2014
88.95%_match: Ana Mercedes Hoyos "Ventana", 1975
89.30%_match: Gerardo Montiel Klint in 2014-2017 "Flowers and Ammonia", Date unknown
86.63%_match: Boo Saville "Abstract #30", 2017
88.92%_match: Assaf Shaham "FR (90 DEG from left to right)", 2012
88.06%_match: Stephen Mallon "Weeks 533", Date unknown
90.04%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014
95.68%_match: Jeffrey Blondes "Le Grand Etang East", 2017
89.31%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Siphon", 2016
86.72%_match: Edouard Wolton "Météore", 2015
88.68%_match: Kate Shepherd "Television ", 2016
88.59%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 4", 2011
90.39%_match: Ruth Pastine ""Blue Orange 2-S4848 (Blue Deep)" Sense Certainty Series", 2014
91.09%_match: Seoungho Cho "Cold Pieces 2", 2
87.41%_match: Laurent Laporte in Contemporary "Micro Beni", Date unknown
91.43%_match: Bradley Harms "Simple Line Sets - Light Blue, Yellow and Cobalt", 2013
89.99%_match: Leon Berkowitz "Triptych 1", 1986
89.31%_match: Maggie Dunlap "Emotions are Weapons of Mass Disruption", 2016
90.25%_match: Anne Lindberg "Parallel 22", 2009
90.95%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown
91.56%_match: Miljan Suknovic "Untitled", 2013
80.23%_match: Molly Soda "She Said "What" And I Told Her That I Didn't Know", 2017
80.23%_match: Molly Soda "She Said "What" And I Told Her That I Didn't Know", 2017
92.71%_match: Christina Craemer "A Blue Line", Date unknown
89.46%_match: Greg MacLaughlin "Dreamy Nerve", 2015
90.60%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014
90.60%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014
90.83%_match: Tim Bavington "White (room)", 2017
85.94%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Forked Series #32", 2014
89.59%_match: Sky Glabush "Day/night", 2016
87.21%_match: Barnett Newman "Ulysses", 1952
90.50%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Physichromie 1868", 2013
86.76%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Inducción Cromática a Doble Frecuencia Gatún", 2010
89.59%_match: Joe Goode "Untitled from Rainy Season '78", 8