92.11%_match: Tom Burrows "Astraptes", Date unknown
90.39%_match: Kang Haitao 康海涛 "House 2 房子2", 2017
94.41%_match: Claudio Olivieri ""Etimi"", 1977
91.42%_match: Mark Flood "Shroud Flag", 2014
87.25%_match: Janusz Trzebiatowski "Water 4", 2014
87.25%_match: Janusz Trzebiatowski "Water 4", 2014
90.44%_match: Ihosvanny Cisneros "Entre o Lixo e os Escombros II", 2016
90.44%_match: Ihosvanny Cisneros "Entre o Lixo e os Escombros II", 2016
94.24%_match: Joe Zammit-Lucia "Defiance", 2010
92.54%_match: Miaz Brothers "Friend I", 2015
91.42%_match: Michaël Lucerne "Sansibar II", 2017
91.46%_match: Rafaël Rozendaal "Into Time 15.05.03", 2015
88.27%_match: Aya Ito "Mikado-chan in the end of summer", 2017
92.36%_match: Nick Terry "Untitled", 2013
91.75%_match: Larry Bell "Untitled", 1978
91.75%_match: Larry Bell "Untitled", 1978
92.48%_match: Bernadette Jiyong Frank "White Veil #3", 2015
90.03%_match: Garry Fabian Miller in 2014-2015 "The Return", Date unknown
87.68%_match: Sheila Hicks "Wall-Hanging", 2
87.53%_match: Siyon JIN "Flow 3-4", 2012
91.42%_match: Thomas Eakins "[Woman Playing Cello]", 1889
91.75%_match: Richard Serra "Weight V", 2010
92.14%_match: Peter Alexander "1/17/16 (Large Red Drip) ", 2016
88.30%_match: Philip Pocock "Or Let Me Be Silent", 1991
89.32%_match: James Turrell "Untitled", Date unknown
89.79%_match: José María Yturralde "Hian (Serie Horizontes) ", 2016
90.85%_match: Graham Fagen "War / Garden (American)", 2017
94.55%_match: Viktor Farro "Rope", 2017
91.22%_match: Fabien Chalon "Where does light go?", 2017
91.83%_match: Maria Morganti "Sedimentazione 2011 #21, Venezia", 2011
90.96%_match: Mala Breuer "1975 (maroon, deep plum, lavender grey)", 1975
92.22%_match: Adam Barker-Mill "Cerulean Blue", 2015