88.53%_match: Michael Dailey "Deep Blue Sea", 1981
89.85%_match: Susan Schwalb "Aurora #30", 2012
85.36%_match: Damien Hirst "The Cure - Chocolate/Emerald Green/Lime Green", 2014
90.18%_match: Rinko Kawauchi "Untitled, from the portfolio 4%", 2013
90.57%_match: Ulrich Gleiter "Canyon Landscape", 2017
89.27%_match: Paul Jenkins "Phenomena Someplace in Toga", 1992
88.05%_match: Yuko Shiraishi "Beat and Orbit", 2011
89.55%_match: Emmanuel Van der Auwera "Memento 3", 2016
80.52%_match: Joe Johnson "Empty Display", Date unknown
87.17%_match: Pierre Luc Charles Cicéri "Drawing for Wagner's "Le Vaisseau Fantôme," Paris Opéra", 1842
87.76%_match: Michal Rovner "Signals / Black and White", 2016
89.91%_match: Peter Arnell "Atlantic Ocean Miami Beach", 2013
87.60%_match: Anne Truitt "23 Feb ‘69", Date unknown
90.85%_match: Zhenhua He "River Crossing Plan Series No.18", 2015
92.10%_match: Richard Prince "Untitled (Fayy), from the Entertainers series", 1982
97.16%_match: Yves Gaucher in 1978-1979 "Quatre Gris Pâles", Date unknown
88.15%_match: The Love Child "Zoom", 2017
93.04%_match: Edouard Wolton "Cartographie des lucioles", 2015
87.40%_match: Andrew Moore "Red Piano, Camp Artek", Date unknown
85.54%_match: Marietta Patricia Leis "Seed XXIV", 2014
87.50%_match: Tatjana Doll "UF_Container 038", 2009
87.01%_match: Alighiero Boetti "Mettere al Mondo il Mondo a Roma nella Primavera dell'Anno Millenovecentosettantotto Pensando a Tutto Tondo", 1978
86.66%_match: MAK "Blue Marilyn Triptych", 2017
94.50%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
87.76%_match: Sarah Starr "Embroidered Sampler: Starr Coat of Arms", 1779
89.30%_match: Rui Calçada Bastos "Untitled", 2017
89.35%_match: Heinz Mack "Gitter-Fenster (Chromatische Konstellation) ", 2015
87.42%_match: Witho Worms in 2013-2016 "two; a forest on a drawing table. From the 1 two tree project.", Date unknown
81.11%_match: Dean Baldwin "Bar Piano", 2012
89.27%_match: Abelardo Morell "Pencil", 0
83.74%_match: Ludwig Meidner "O Moon Above So Clear!", 2
88.41%_match: Unknown "[Union Private with Musket and Pistol]", 1865
93.13%_match: Fabio Barile "Simulation of a landslide in darkroom with sand, developer and chromogenic paper. N°2", 2015
86.05%_match: Sérgio Sister "Terceiro Fundo 15", 2013
93.67%_match: Adam Mars "1994", 2017
87.91%_match: Tiffany & Co. "Fan", 1889
88.05%_match: Luckey Remington "Absent, Present II", 2014
89.08%_match: John Valadez "Sadie", 1980
91.42%_match: Robert Barry "Silver Sides", 6
92.06%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Induccion Cromatica Jor-Mar 35 A", 2013
85.92%_match: Jos van Merendonk "2015-0,6-12", 2015
88.24%_match: Vitaliy Ledokollov "9 - Blind", 2017
89.19%_match: Kraftwerk "3-D Video-Installation – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Installation View Sprüth Magers Berlin", 2013
86.56%_match: Rafa Macarrón "Caidos", 2016
89.05%_match: Manit Sriwanichpoom "Holy Machismo", 2010
90.71%_match: François Morellet "Untitled from 8 Trames 0°90° (8 Wefts 0°90°)", 4
85.39%_match: Bernadette Jiyong Frank "Void/Emergence-Diptych (Crimson, teal, ultramarine)", 2014
92.62%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Citron 12-15-15", 2015
89.25%_match: Jacques de Wesenbeke "La dedvction de l'innocence de messire Philippe Baron de Montmorency, Conte de Hornes, franc seigneur de Vveert, admiral & capitaine general de la Mer du pais bas ... contre la malicievse apprehension, indeüe detention, injuste procedure, fausse accusation, iniques sentences et tyrannicque exécution en sa personne à grand tort, par voye de faict perpetrees", 1568
89.78%_match: Langston Wesley "Stanczak", 2016
88.74%_match: Stephen Antonakos "Untitled Drawing, A#16", 1987