80.23%_match: Molly Soda "She Said "What" And I Told Her That I Didn't Know", 2017
85.95%_match: Tom Burrows "Rectangulata ", 2017
88.22%_match: Reine Paradis "Chairs", 2017
89.09%_match: Michael Craig-Martin "Spotlight: NT at 50", 2013
90.48%_match: Haruna Shinagawa "Peel off the paint "No.42"", 2017
91.90%_match: Cesare Berlingeri "Rosso di Cadmio Piegato", 2014
88.50%_match: Lui Chun Kwong 吕振光 "Landscape No. 0201", 2001
89.36%_match: Stephen March "Surveillance (05/19/2012)", 2013
92.03%_match: Emmanuel Van der Auwera "Memento 2", 2016
90.97%_match: Steve Reinke "Speculative Anthropology from The Hundred Videos", 1
88.10%_match: Massimo Agostinelli "Madam In Eden Im Adam ", 2014
88.32%_match: Diane Ayott "Back and Forth", 2015
88.24%_match: Freddy Chandra "Ultramarine", 2012
87.07%_match: Robyn Denny "Light of the World (E)", 1970
90.23%_match: Thomas Sully "Draped Man from Rear (after Tintorietto?); Putto Making Bubbles (?); Shaded Figure in Radiance; Archway and Altar (?); Figure Composition (from Sketchbook)", 1820
88.79%_match: Łukasz Patelczyk "Light", 2015
88.79%_match: Lothar Charoux "Vibration", 1970
91.71%_match: Barnett Newman "Unfinished painting", 1970
92.14%_match: José Guadalupe Posada|Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo "'José Guadalupe Posada: 36 Grabados' (Mexico, 1943)", 1943
89.21%_match: Margaret Evangeline "Pearl Diving II", 2002
94.55%_match: John Wood and Paul Harrison "Two insomniacs", 2013
88.14%_match: Camomile Hixon "Nightfall on Planet X", 2017
95.51%_match: Richard Serra "Double Rift I", 2012
89.52%_match: Pietro Roccasalva "Imprimitura (D'Apres Giacomo Balla, Mercurio transita davanti al sole)", 2016
87.03%_match: Pierre Luc Charles Cicéri "Drawing for Wagner's "Le Vaisseau Fantôme," Paris Opéra", 1842
91.68%_match: Larry Fessenden "The Last Winter", 6
86.91%_match: Craig Damrauer "Trouble", 2015
87.39%_match: Yves Ullens "Square Variation #1 1-3", 2015
91.59%_match: Penny Olson "0023.7f (Poppy)", 2011
91.58%_match: Jeremy Deller "Printed on the Kelmscott Press", 2014
87.82%_match: David Drebin "You're so full if shit", 2017
89.87%_match: Penny Olson "0167.8f (Iris)", 2011
84.98%_match: Aarón Sanromán "Contenible IV", 2017
88.69%_match: James Welling "# 5 (Degradé)", 2001
89.02%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing Light - Purple in Violet", 2017
90.38%_match: an unknown artist in late 18th century "Man's Sleeveless Surcoat Worn Over Armor (Jinbaori)", Date unknown
95.62%_match: Adam Mars "1994", 2017
89.91%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016
91.68%_match: Zeke Berman "To and From", 0
88.88%_match: Jus Juchtmans "20110214", 2011
86.88%_match: Louise Fishman "Homage to the Mountains no. 88", 2011
87.90%_match: Jan Larsen "gotta give", 2017
88.77%_match: Ethan Murrow "Dust Mine Marketing #1", 2007
88.23%_match: Kay Rosen "Blue Monday", 2015
89.74%_match: Ludwig Sander "Untitled", 1970
89.73%_match: Tom Burrows "Zygaena", 2017
88.67%_match: Michel Cornu "Untitled", Date unknown
88.12%_match: Yang Kai "Selfie No.22", 2016
90.40%_match: Murray Fredericks "Salt 405", 2015
86.14%_match: Phil Chang "Untitled (Purple Monochrome)", 2015
88.87%_match: Georgina Martin "Lucent 2016: Single Images Untitled #3c", 2016
88.04%_match: Christopher Baer "Palisades 068", 2015
92.36%_match: Betsy Kaufman "no. 21", 2009
88.34%_match: Park Seo-Bo "Ecriture", 1996
85.46%_match: Mathias Kessler "Untitled", 2015