88.95%_match: Daniel Tsal "Green", 2014
87.01%_match: Greg Gorman "3 Boys Jumping : Kelso Dunes", 1991
90.75%_match: José María Yturralde "Postludio (YT-07-156)", 2007
87.65%_match: Ali Chaaban "Strangers Everywhere", 2017
88.72%_match: Desire Obtain Cherish "Medium Meltdown (assorted colors)", 2015
91.19%_match: Sharon Lockhart "Goshogaoka", 7
88.83%_match: Daniele Buetti "FLAG 25", 2014
87.72%_match: Ercole Bazicaluva "Landscape", 1643
86.50%_match: Tom Burrows "Autumn Wings ", 2015
91.28%_match: Kang Haitao 康海涛 "House 2 房子2", 2017
93.03%_match: Seoungho Cho "Cold Pieces 2", 2
87.13%_match: Rosell Meseguer "Untitled #2. Serie Metáforas de la defensa 2", 2007
89.35%_match: Luciana Lamothe "Untitled", 2013
86.37%_match: Todd Kelly "Grid Drawing December 3, 2013", 2013
90.24%_match: Carla Fache "Red", 2003
91.27%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Citron", 2016
89.95%_match: Tom Burrows "Derambila", 2017
89.09%_match: Fancy Violence "Fancy Violence", 2014
91.02%_match: Dale Frank "He only took the lease thinking it might lead to something better", 2017
88.93%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Couleur Additive 109", 1974
88.98%_match: Charles Avery "Untitled (Distance at a Distance)", 2017
91.78%_match: Mala Breuer "1975 (maroon, deep plum, lavender grey)", 1975
90.05%_match: Ruth Pastine ""Blue Orange 2-S4848 (Blue Deep)" Sense Certainty Series", 2014
92.46%_match: Ruth Pastine ""Blue Orange 2-S4848 (Blue Deep)" Sense Certainty Series", 2014
87.01%_match: James Welling "IG10", 2005
87.92%_match: Asami Yoshiga "The Four Seasons Garden Summer", 2015
90.49%_match: an unknown artist "The Mass of Saint Gregory [recto]", 1490
91.32%_match: Luis Tomasello "Objet Plastique No. 897", 2008
93.61%_match: Luis Camnitzer "TIMELANGUAGE", 2016
89.89%_match: Hiraki Sawa in 2015-2016 "Man in Camera", Date unknown
89.39%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 2", 2011
88.40%_match: Wojtek Wieteska "Untitled (#1-2 from the series "N.Y.C #02")", 2002
92.01%_match: Ruth Pastine "Rhapsody (Blue)", 2008
88.75%_match: John Pomara "Blu-Rain", 2018
93.04%_match: Kentaro Baba "L'autunno 004", 2007
90.61%_match: Olga de Amaral "Nudo 17", 2014
93.41%_match: Ligyung "More Light", 2012
91.11%_match: Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos "Whose?", 2014
91.56%_match: Jonny Niesche "Folding (Magenta)", 2017
88.95%_match: Che Marchesi "Vertebrado, Mamifero, Primate", 2005
88.21%_match: Dimitri Kolokoltzev Factory "Shawl", 1835
89.31%_match: Sebastião Salgado "Macaroni Penguins in Zavodovski Island, The Sandwich Islands", 2009
92.00%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 14 ", 2006
91.81%_match: Quayola "Natures #3B", 2009