88.68%_match: Rita Maas in 2009-2011 "Miss/Take Untitled 14.01 11/2/11, 9:57:41 AM", Date unknown
88.32%_match: Mimmo Paladino "Bosforo", 2
93.65%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
90.01%_match: Paulo Lisboa "Untitled", 2015
89.95%_match: Barbara Kruger "Untitled", 5
89.62%_match: Rafaël Rozendaal "softslow.com", 2014
94.09%_match: Julio Le Parc in 1966-2005 "Cloison à lames réfléchissantes", Date unknown
89.76%_match: Aida Chehrehgosha "Black Thoughts 1", 2014
86.12%_match: Lars Strandh "Untitled", 2016
90.13%_match: Adam Barker-Mill "Radiator ", 1991
88.18%_match: Otto Baumberger "Zoologischer Garten Zurich - Elephant and Flamingos", 1929
89.14%_match: Ansel Adams "Monolith, the Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park", 1927
91.27%_match: Freddy Chandra "Eclipse", 2011
87.13%_match: Black Thyrsus Painter "Pelike", -375
87.93%_match: Sarah Brayer "Coming Into Light", 2017
94.43%_match: Kim Hyun Sik "Who likes violet ?", 2014
92.09%_match: Spencer Finch "California Darkness", 2015
87.18%_match: Enrique Ramírez "The kingdom of Chile", 2015
87.18%_match: Alexandre Bianchini "sans titre", 2012
93.53%_match: Detanico Lain "Quanta Cor, Bleu", 2016
91.68%_match: RUDOLPH CASTRO "Concurrido,Visitado,Alejado. Dibujo 25", 2015
86.56%_match: Sheila Hicks "Wall-Hanging", 2
89.80%_match: Tony Bechara "Orion", 1979