90.95%_match: Marlen Letetzki "Untitled", 2016
90.80%_match: Alfredo Rapetti Mogol "2,977", 2013
90.30%_match: Damien Hirst "A Deep Earthy Green Kiss", 2007
88.24%_match: Dean Baldwin "Bar Piano", 2012
88.12%_match: Umberto Mariani "Senza titolo", 2017
88.83%_match: Tom Burrows "Serge", 2017
87.61%_match: Anish Kapoor "Shadow III, No. 03", 2009
87.28%_match: Bernard Holdaway "Tomotom Chairs", 1966
87.90%_match: Tom Burckhardt "Black Monochrome (Trapazoid)", 2017
94.00%_match: Adolph Gottlieb "Black Ground, Red Disc", 6
91.56%_match: Thomas Huber "Sans titre, 2012", 2012
90.19%_match: William Betts "Blush", 2005
89.94%_match: Wolf Kahn "Tall Trees in a Dark Red World", Date unknown
90.30%_match: Seth Cameron "No 11", 2017
89.69%_match: Ti-Rock Moore "Your Blues Ain't Like Mine ", 2017
91.17%_match: Phil Chang "Untitled (Purple Monochrome)", 2015
94.80%_match: Roy Thurston "90-4", 1990
90.02%_match: André Wagner "Fushimi Inari-Taisha 5", 2016
87.75%_match: Shen Hua 沈桦 "Limitation - Cube 限定性 - 立方体", 2016
87.08%_match: Patrick Wilson "Stack", 2016
91.04%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Citron", 2016
93.61%_match: Alberto Biasi "Practicamente nero", 1961
95.62%_match: Kraftwerk "3-D Video-Installation – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Installation View Sprüth Magers Berlin", 2013
87.92%_match: Tom Burrows "Cape Cheetham", Date unknown
92.37%_match: Ayesha Jatoi "Untitled II", 2007
86.91%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016
88.36%_match: Zeno CHEN "Big Apple 大蘋果(亞當與夏娃)", 2015
92.09%_match: Václav Cigler "Layered pyramid", 2009
91.16%_match: Jacques de Wesenbeke "La dedvction de l'innocence de messire Philippe Baron de Montmorency, Conte de Hornes, franc seigneur de Vveert, admiral & capitaine general de la Mer du pais bas ... contre la malicievse apprehension, indeüe detention, injuste procedure, fausse accusation, iniques sentences et tyrannicque exécution en sa personne à grand tort, par voye de faict perpetrees", 1568
86.20%_match: Kazumasa Noguchi "Stealth Horse", 2012
88.09%_match: Alexey Pajitnov "Tetris", 4
92.04%_match: Roberto Greco "fig. I", 2017
94.55%_match: Al Farrow "Femur of Santo Guerro II", 2011
92.34%_match: Rupprecht Geiger "Untitled (No 1)", 1960
87.79%_match: Unidentified Artist|Huang Qüan "Untitled", 1911
91.95%_match: Emese Benczúr "Not All Is Eternal", 2011
88.68%_match: Gabriele Fettolini "Estudio alrededor de la luz", 2014
87.90%_match: Eduardo Paolozzi "Untitled from Moonstrips Empire News", 7
87.62%_match: Garry Fabian Miller "Blue in Blue", 2009
87.85%_match: Marie Dolma Chophel "Untitled", 2017
87.08%_match: Kevin O'Leary "Jelly Fish", 2016
93.32%_match: Herbert W. Franke "Untitled (Analog graphics, Oscillograms)", 1950
91.17%_match: Tony Smith "Untitled", 2
88.93%_match: Young-il Ahn "Water 99-S (Green Light)", 1999
92.93%_match: Eric Cruikshank "Untitled", 2017
88.62%_match: Wayan Novi "Landscape", 2017
88.61%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
88.27%_match: Narcisse-Virgile Diaz de la Peña "Mother and Child and a Female Figure", 1876
92.08%_match: Nils Nova "Empty Center (Green)", 2012
88.46%_match: Marie Girard "Technique mixte sur toile", 2016
89.13%_match: Jason Shulman "The Irony of Fate (1975)", 2016
88.33%_match: Frances Stark "My Best Thing", 2011
88.05%_match: Young Ji Kim "Red Wavelengths", 2015