87.34%_match: Graciela Sacco "Tensíon Admisible - El Otro Lado", 2014
87.84%_match: Omar Hassan "Sea", 2015
90.61%_match: Garo Antreasian "Bangkok Holiday", 2005
87.52%_match: Julian Stanczak "Modular A, B, C, D, E, ", 1981
90.93%_match: Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle (Minimiam) "Embouteillage", Date unknown
87.73%_match: Jean Koumy "Albatros", 2003
89.57%_match: Howard Schatz "Underwater Study #1335", Date unknown
85.87%_match: Lola "The Grass is Green", 2017
88.44%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 4", 2011
91.86%_match: Allison Rufrano "Untitled", Date unknown
85.95%_match: John Phillip Abbott "Green 1975", 2015
87.99%_match: Susan Kleinberg "Kairos II", Date unknown
88.71%_match: Halim Al-Karim "Hidden Theme (From Hidden Series)", 1995
90.80%_match: Stephen Mallon "-260 (minus 260)", Date unknown
88.25%_match: Karl Benjamin "#10, 1980", 1980
87.46%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
86.90%_match: Ross Bleckner "Untitled", Date unknown
88.67%_match: Dirk Salz "#2055", 2015
87.97%_match: Doris Chase "Wood Collage #10", 1991
92.44%_match: Edward Quist "Glyph Triptych", 2012
87.53%_match: Tom Burrows "Achilles Bank", 2018
90.28%_match: Lisa Solberg "MLSL_11_Bunny", 2015
89.47%_match: Jiang Pengyi "Intimacy No.5", 2014
89.20%_match: Adam Straus "Winter: Black & Grey", 2013
89.34%_match: Angelika Markul "Excavations of the Future", 2015
89.02%_match: Mark Dion "Scheme of the Field Investigation 1986-2003: The Representation of Nature", 3
88.38%_match: Anish Kapoor "03 from Moiré ", 2015
90.71%_match: The Limbourg Brothers "The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry", 1409
93.80%_match: João Louro "“Blind Image #100”", 2005
89.29%_match: Laercio Redondo "Le Corbusier, 1936 (In reality, the city of Rio does not exist yet)", 2014
88.94%_match: Marietta Patricia Leis "Moonless Balm", 2014
88.22%_match: Patrick Chamberlain "Milk, Eggs, Vanilla", 2015
92.26%_match: Richard Serra "Weight II", 2009
92.26%_match: Richard Serra "Weight II", 2009
90.46%_match: Leo Villareal "Dark Matrix", 2008
92.34%_match: Wang Yi 王一 "Overlapping-2017", 2017
89.66%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 17. 2006", 2006
90.60%_match: James Welling "IG10", 2005
91.57%_match: Gabriel Lester "Shell Shovelers", 2015
91.99%_match: Luciana Lamothe "Untitled", 2013
93.33%_match: Jules Olitski "Graphic Suite I (Mauve/Blue)", 1970
98.43%_match: Manit Sriwanichpoom "King Rama IX", 2014
92.38%_match: New Catalogue [Luke Batten & Jonathan Sadler] "Color Theory for the Economist Sarkozy's Disappointing First Year ", 2008
83.84%_match: Edward Ruscha "Los Angeles Tap Water from Stains", 9