All we'd ever need is one another

Adam Basanta

89.49%_match: Kim Hyun Sik "Who Likes Red and Blue", 2013

89.70%_match: Wei Xiaoguang 魏晓光 "6 Grapes", 2015

86.90%_match: Shen Chen "Untitled No.10044-11 ", 2011

87.97%_match: Porfirio DiDonna "Untitled (pdn69)", 1975

89.71%_match: Sergio Hernandez "Rayuela", 1981

86.60%_match: Axel Crieger "Betty", Date unknown

89.42%_match: Pino Manos "Sincronico rosso fuoco", 2015

89.28%_match: Koichi Sato "Dress of Japan "Seisei-an"", 7

84.39%_match: Lloyd Martin "Course", 2009

88.28%_match: Jurian Blanck Jr. "Spoon", 1690

91.90%_match: Nonotak "MASKS N°13 DIVIDE EDITION", 2014

90.87%_match: Patricia Olynyk "Isomorphic Extention I", 2008

92.09%_match: Nao Tamura "Flow(T)", 2013

87.71%_match: Mikhail Roginsky "Pink-lilac bottles", 1978

87.20%_match: Vera Molnar "Brêches", 2012

89.31%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown

88.89%_match: İDİL İLKİN "Rovaniemi", 2015

88.97%_match: Lisa Levy "The Thoughts in My Head #21: Nostalgia", Date unknown

87.39%_match: Olivo Barbieri in 2006-2007 "The Waterfall Project (OB-TAV XXIII, TWP, Iguazu, Argentina / Brazil) ", Date unknown

93.10%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016

91.08%_match: Mohammed Omar Khalil in 1989-90 "Petra IV", Date unknown

92.25%_match: Sergio Lucena "Pintura N° 15", 2011

88.83%_match: Hans Broek "West End", 2015

87.84%_match: Cecilia Biagini "Relation of production, diptych", 2012

89.48%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016

85.00%_match: Peter Arnell "Ginza", 2013

88.93%_match: Joanne Freeman "Space 17 Summer 13", 2017

94.63%_match: Brice Marden "Grove Group I", 2

84.51%_match: Jonathan Forrest "Blue Point", 2017

88.94%_match: Tom Burrows "Bernifal", Date unknown

86.67%_match: Sheila Hicks "Wall-Hanging", 2

93.05%_match: Wolfgang Werkmeister "Selbstbildnis", 1971

87.84%_match: Pierre Dorion "Red Corner", Date unknown

87.37%_match: Nejat Sati "Structure Series", 2013

86.43%_match: Hamish Fulton "Mountain Skyline: A 21 Day Walking Journey Via the Tops of Seven Small Engadin Mountains Switzerland Summer", 2007

93.82%_match: Adel Abidin "Three Love Songs", 2010

90.52%_match: Monica Zeringue "And yet I cannot go", 2015

91.46%_match: John Wilcox "Trying", 1996

91.14%_match: Zheng Huan "Rainbow", 2014

89.36%_match: Shannon Finley "Warp Field", 2015

93.49%_match: Susan Schwalb "Harmonizations I", 2015

95.91%_match: Barnett Newman "Vir Heroicus Sublimis", 1950

85.77%_match: Nejat Sati "Untitled", 2013

92.45%_match: Henry Codax "Untitled (Golden)", 2016

91.94%_match: Manuel Geerinck "Untitled PH 1507", 2007

89.62%_match: Jessica Hess "The Sunset II", 2013

87.99%_match: Heimo Zobernig "Untitled (HZ 2011 - 077)", 2011

86.67%_match: Dale Frank "Sitting in his new twin cab ute in the Barrington Tops National Park he took the whole bottle of pills", 2014

89.97%_match: Rinko Kawauchi "Untitled, from the portfolio 4%", 2013

90.08%_match: Jason Salavon "Chalkboard Gag", 2016

87.09%_match: José María Yturralde "Postludio (YT-07-100)", 2007

90.15%_match: Liam Gillick "FIVE OF WANDS, 2015 From the series "Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project" Limited Edition 5th Anniversary Print Collection", Date unknown

95.39%_match: Guido Molinari "Quantifacateur 995", 1995

94.47%_match: Barbara Kruger "Untitled", 5

86.81%_match: Paolo Cavinato in 2013-2015 "Interior Projections #9", Date unknown

88.28%_match: Benedikt Leonhardt "UNTITLED (WF-B-QM/V-4) ", 2016

86.38%_match: David Serisier "Untitled Yellow and Yellow Green Painting", 2010

92.36%_match: Tracey Emin "Love Is What You Want", 2015

91.46%_match: Susan Vecsey "Untitled (Black and White Series III)", 2016

92.88%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash - November 22, 1963 (See F. & S. II.35)", 1968

94.79%_match: Yves Klein "IKB74", 1958

90.47%_match: Dave Theurer "Tempest", 1

84.35%_match: Sarah Thibault "<3, <3, <3", 2015

89.48%_match: Cayla Birk. "Birktone Series: BOWIE", 2017

86.12%_match: Christophe Von Hohenberg "Andy Warhol Memorial, 1987: Fashion Designer Steven Sprouse with Singer Deborah Harry (Blondie)", 2017

88.47%_match: He Wei "Psycho 37", 2016

86.61%_match: F&D Cartier "Veni Etiam 2298 v", 2010

86.32%_match: Dana Hart-Stone "Boy Girl Boy Girl", 2010

91.67%_match: Umberto Mariani "Senza titolo", 2017

89.43%_match: Sergio Lucena "Pintura N° 15", 2011

81.07%_match: Casey Cripe "Networks (1)", 2015

88.59%_match: Motonao Takasaki "Apparatus", 1957

86.46%_match: Paul Cary Goldberg "Still Life with Bread and Red Onion ", Date unknown

90.82%_match: Tom Burrows "Achilles Bank", 2018

90.57%_match: Sherry Wiggins "Out of India #8", 2015

87.78%_match: Gabriele Evertz "Green, Dark Passage Series", 2013

88.56%_match: Katharina Fritsch "Figure in the Garden", 2

91.63%_match: Seth Cameron "No. 1", 2017

85.49%_match: Almandrade in 1991-2017 "To see and not to see", Date unknown

88.45%_match: Bastienne Schmidt "Untitled, Topos", 2013

86.12%_match: Volodymyr Budnikov "Untitled", 2011

93.56%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing Light - Purple in Violet", 2017

91.37%_match: Cindy Ng Sio Ieng 吴少英 in 2013 -2014 "Ink 8", Date unknown

93.84%_match: Felix Burger "from the series Weißer Zwerg", 2016

87.69%_match: Edda Renouf "Dawn Letter-3", 2013

89.91%_match: Fred Sandback "Untitled from Series of Twenty-two Photostats", 2

83.55%_match: Jessica Hess "The Sunset II", 2013

87.51%_match: Dieter Roth "Plate (folio 15) from Book AC", 8

87.17%_match: Pierre Luc Charles Cicéri "Drawing for Wagner's "Le Vaisseau Fantôme," Paris Opéra", 1842

87.68%_match: Skoya Assemat-Tessandier "L'Abysse", 2016

86.91%_match: Jefferson Hayman "Tree, Central Park", 2007

87.75%_match: Gilles Teboul "Untitled n°2243", 2017

86.86%_match: Regina Vater in 2005-2010 "Úlcera Soberana", Date unknown

92.05%_match: Lucio Fontana "Concetto spaziale. Attese", 1964

89.97%_match: Robert Silverman "Untitled (dark red 15)", 2005

90.63%_match: Robb Johnson "Road Less Traveled", 2004

89.27%_match: Gino Marotta "Koan", 5

88.04%_match: Donald Sultan "Black and Navy Dec 15 2014", 2014

86.05%_match: Annaïk Lou Pitteloud "How to Kill Time (Index part II)", 2011

84.51%_match: Kao Chung-Li "The Taste Of Human Flesh", 2010
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