All we'd ever need is one another

Adam Basanta

89.30%_match: Gerardo Montiel Klint in 2014-2017 "Flowers and Ammonia", Date unknown

86.63%_match: Boo Saville "Abstract #30", 2017

88.92%_match: Assaf Shaham "FR (90 DEG from left to right)", 2012

88.06%_match: Stephen Mallon "Weeks 533", Date unknown

90.04%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014

95.68%_match: Jeffrey Blondes "Le Grand Etang East", 2017

89.31%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Siphon", 2016

86.72%_match: Edouard Wolton "Météore", 2015

88.68%_match: Kate Shepherd "Television ", 2016

88.59%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 4", 2011

90.39%_match: Ruth Pastine ""Blue Orange 2-S4848 (Blue Deep)" Sense Certainty Series", 2014

91.09%_match: Seoungho Cho "Cold Pieces 2", 2

87.41%_match: Laurent Laporte in Contemporary "Micro Beni", Date unknown

91.43%_match: Bradley Harms "Simple Line Sets - Light Blue, Yellow and Cobalt", 2013

89.99%_match: Leon Berkowitz "Triptych 1", 1986

89.31%_match: Maggie Dunlap "Emotions are Weapons of Mass Disruption", 2016

90.25%_match: Anne Lindberg "Parallel 22", 2009

90.95%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown

91.56%_match: Miljan Suknovic "Untitled", 2013

80.23%_match: Molly Soda "She Said "What" And I Told Her That I Didn't Know", 2017

80.23%_match: Molly Soda "She Said "What" And I Told Her That I Didn't Know", 2017

92.71%_match: Christina Craemer "A Blue Line", Date unknown

89.46%_match: Greg MacLaughlin "Dreamy Nerve", 2015

90.60%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014

90.60%_match: Maria Zahle "Ocean", 2014

90.83%_match: Tim Bavington "White (room)", 2017

85.94%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Forked Series #32", 2014

89.59%_match: Sky Glabush "Day/night", 2016

87.21%_match: Barnett Newman "Ulysses", 1952

90.50%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Physichromie 1868", 2013

86.76%_match: Carlos Cruz-Diez "Inducción Cromática a Doble Frecuencia Gatún", 2010

89.59%_match: Joe Goode "Untitled from Rainy Season '78", 8

86.89%_match: Yang Jiechang 杨诘苍 "Net", 1984

90.80%_match: Jordi Teixidor "Sin título", 2011

82.37%_match: Félix Lazo "[989] Autopoietic System unique Print 03", 2016

81.94%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013

91.47%_match: Thomas Pihl "Prearticulation #7", 2016

88.26%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Train Landscape", 1953

86.48%_match: Francis Celentano "Alpha Red Alternates", 1969

85.51%_match: Ludwig Meidner "O Moon Above So Clear!", 2

87.60%_match: Priscilla Monge "SUPERFICIES CURATIVAS/ROJO # 110 904114", 2016

97.16%_match: Shahrzad Kamel "Untitled", 2017

92.59%_match: Scot Heywood "Sunyata Red/Yellow/Black", Date unknown

89.39%_match: Joe Goode "Untitled from Rainy Season '78", 8

89.57%_match: Shingo Francis "Deep Violet and Magenta", 2015

87.62%_match: Tal R "S", 2015

89.53%_match: Sergio Lucena "Nibiro Suit #1", 2015

85.46%_match: Darren Lago "Fuzzy Frank Island", 2007

88.94%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016

85.73%_match: Susana Reisman "Measuring Tape 3", 2005

86.14%_match: Lois Andison "IOU", 2017

89.06%_match: F&D Cartier "Veni Etiam 2298 v", 2010

87.89%_match: Assaf Shaham "FR (90 DEG from left to right)", 2012

86.18%_match: Tai Jung Um "Untitled 08-22", 2008

94.77%_match: Liss LaFleur "You Belong to Me", 2015

91.14%_match: Pino Manos "Sincronico rosso fuoco", 2015

92.56%_match: Manuel Geerinck "Untitled PH 1507", 2007

83.73%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013

95.47%_match: Roland Fischer "The Pavillion", 2010

90.46%_match: Nicole Chesney "Cura", 2015

91.52%_match: Homer Dodge Martin "Ned Samson and His Wife", 1868

80.35%_match: Morné Visagie "A brief introduction to the Monarchy of Colour: The Seduction of Blue II", 2015

85.92%_match: Anna Mironova "Above me", 2017

94.25%_match: Roohi S. Ahmed "Seemingly Horizontal (Ed. of 12)", 2013

92.15%_match: Martin Canin "Untitled", 1970

90.90%_match: Georges Fouquet "Art Nouveau Pendant", 1906

87.93%_match: Guillaume Allemand "Untitled (ref. 1604-06)", 2016

85.40%_match: Jack Goldstein "Planets", 4

89.04%_match: Jiri Kolar ""Cheville d'empereur"", 1971

81.75%_match: Kris Martin "End-point of 'Cien Años de Soledad' (G.G. Márquez)", 2012

87.98%_match: Ludwig Sander "Manitou", 1965

91.85%_match: Dan Rees "Shaker Peg Painting", 2013

91.06%_match: Edouard Wolton "Cartographie des lucioles", 2015

88.06%_match: Tanja Koljonen "Gleam", 2014

89.98%_match: Ligyung "More Light", 2012

87.46%_match: Tom Butler "Hall6121", 2017

87.26%_match: Christopher H. Martin "Zazpi", 2017

88.54%_match: Umberto Mariani "Senza titolo", 2017

89.08%_match: Richard Garet "Sonochrome", 2009

91.01%_match: Reine Paradis "Tennis", Date unknown

90.13%_match: Cassio Michalany "Untitled", 1984

92.44%_match: Allyson Vieira "Site (40.7117'N, 74.0125'W, 05/03/2013, 15:14-15:39)", 2013

91.03%_match: Susana Reisman "Measuring Tape 4", 2005

90.17%_match: Shirin Neshat "Speechless (Women of Allah series)", 1996

93.96%_match: Richard Serra "Weight X", 2013

92.07%_match: Viktor Farro "Rope", 2017

89.88%_match: Edouard Wolton "Météore", 2015

88.74%_match: Nautical Almanac Office|New H Series|Charles Bierstadt|Professor H. Draper|L. M. Rutherford|Popular Series|T. W. Ingersoll|Stereo Gems|Liberty Brand Stereo Views|Underwood & Underwood|Sun Sculpture Works and Studios|Strohmeyer & Wyman|Yerkes Observatory|Carnegie Intitute|Kilburn Brothers|Edward Kilburn|William N. Hobbs|G. R. Proctor|Edward Bierstadt|Whiple|Deloss Barnum|E. & H. T. Anthony|Smith, Beck & Beck|G. W. Thorne|Unknown|Keystone View Company "[Group of 43 Stereograph Views of Astronomy Related Scenes]", 1919

88.50%_match: Olivier Mosset "Two Stripes", 2016

90.72%_match: Catherine Biocca "100 better ways to die / 4", 2015

89.06%_match: Sanford Wurmfeld "II-35 + B (BG C)", 1999

87.43%_match: Jason Martin "Untitled Ultra Blue", 2014

84.89%_match: Marietta Patricia Leis "Seed XXIV", 2014

92.08%_match: Thomas Sully "Portrait of [Poussin?]; Landscape Composition; Two Women; Woman and Child; Baby (from Sketchbook)", 1820

87.24%_match: Roland Fischer "The Pavillion", 2010

87.47%_match: Cathy Choi "M1701", 2017

87.70%_match: Bjarne Melgaard "N/T", 2012

89.12%_match: Emmanuel Van der Auwera "Memento 5", 2016

92.93%_match: Lisa Levy "The Thoughts in My Head #26: It Sucks", Date unknown

80.25%_match: Wendel Wirth "Clouds", 2017
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